Another Microsoft "hidden" feature - CU December 2014 Released

In the latest Cumulative Update for Lync Sever 2013 released in December, a special “feature” was added by Microsoft secretively. The nature of the secrecy is unknown but I would bet it was not to be deceitful but more of poor planning on the release of information.

In the December 2014 CU, four items were updated – Core, the UCMAPI, Web Components, and the Front End/Edge Server. All of the updates are classified as routine maintenance/stability updates with no new features listed. However, the Web Components added a “feature” that is causing issues with using Lync Web App (LWA) and Google Chrome. In short, LWA is no longer compatible with Google Chrome because of future known issues with Chrome. This is one of those proactive steps that Microsoft took – before Chrome broke. So now, after the update is applied, the popup from Chrome simply states Google Chrome no longer supports LWA.

It is expected to be a short-term issue that will be resolved but just like changes to Chrome that broke Outlook Web App (OWA), it is more than apparent that working with a product outside of your control can be a bit trying at times. More information and pictures of the issue may be found on a blog post released today (the original December CU was released December 11) found at KB3025563.

There is a database upgrade required for the backend databases, none for the CMS (assuming you are up-to-date (i.e. since February 2014)). It is interesting that Microsoft is calling out the sequence with more vigor and I cannot stress enough how important it is to make sure your databases match your CU level or ‘bad things happen.’  We discuss over and over how to check upgrade readiness as well the database upgrade methods so if you are unclear, review previous posts here.





Lync Server 2013



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Additional Notes: 
Lync Server 2010 build number is 4.0.7577.709
Lync 2010 Client build number is 4.0.7577.4446
Lync Server 2013 build number is 5.0.8308.857
Lync 2013 Client build number is 15.0.4667.1001

Lync Group Chat build number is 4.0.7577. 4409
Lync Group Chat Server build number 4.0.7577.4409
Lync Group Chat Admin build number 4.0.7577.4409

Lync Attendee build number is 4.0.7577.4382
Lync Attendant build number is 4.0.7577.4098
Lync Phone Editions build number is 4.0.7577.4455
Lync Phone Edition (Tanjay) build number is 4.0.7577.4451
Lync for Mac 2011 build number is 14.0.10

Lync 2010 for Windows Phone build number 4.3.8120.0
Lync 2010 for iPhone build number 4.7
Lync 2010 for iPad build number 4.7
Lync 2010 for Android build number 4.0.6509.3001

Lync 2013 for Windows Phone build number 5.6.1308.0
Lync 2013 for iPad build number 5.6
Lync 2013 for iPhone build number 5.6
Lync 2013 for Android build number
Lync 2013 for Android tablet build number

Lync Basic 2013 build number is 15.0.4420.1017
Lync VDI 2013 build number is 15.0.4420.1017

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