Microsoft has released CU1 for Exchange Server 2013 RTM

Last week Microsoft released Cumulative Update 1 (CU1) for Exchange Server 2013 RTM. This update has been long awaited as it is the last piece required to enable migration from Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010. One could argue that this CU actually makes the product useable; this would definitely be true for non-greenfield installation or lab installs. Regardless, it is now here and the install upgrade process may begin.

One of the interesting delivery changes of CUs from the Exchange team with Exchange 2010 is the lack of a patch but instead the entire product is delivered/re-deployed. This is great if you are doing a new install as you simply install the latest code instantly (think slipstreamed). This is unfortunate for those that like to catalog and maintain past updates as each update is going to be over 1.5GB in size (compressed).

A few observations and gotchas observed… My installation type included a production running RTM version of 2013 and a new install of 2013 using the CU1 code.

1)      The installation process and the upgrade process are not quick – the upgrade took longer (as expected) and had 18 steps rather than 15 for the new install.

2)      The ability to uninstall CU1 after upgrading from RTM is not listed as an option. The only program listed in add/remove is Exchange 2013 CU1 and it is not listed as an installed update.

3)      If you have Exchange 2013 RTM installed and upgrade to CU1, the web.config file is replaced. This impacts the Lync integration into Outlook Web App so do not forget to edit and add the Lync configuration back.

4)      Prior to CU1 the Lync integration only required configuration of the OWAVirtualDirectory backend attributes InstantMessagingEnabled, InstantMessagingType, InstantMessagingCertificateThumbprint, and InstantMessagingServerName and OWAVirtualDirectoryfrontend attributes InstantMessagingType. After CU1 in addition to all the original required attributes we also nedd on the frontendattribute InstantMessagingEnabled. Without the newly require attribute, nothing lights up in OWA.

5)      A reboot BEFORE and AFTER installing CU1 is required.

6)   Make sure if you are upgrading using the command shell that you are using ELEVATED rights.

7)      If preparing the Schema, Forest, Domain using the command shell, make sure you include the /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms switch or things will not work.

The Download for Exchange 2013 RTM CU1 may be found below along with a link to the Exchange Team’s blog – they nicely go over all of the new and exciting features.





Exchange Server 2013 RTM CU1



MS download

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