Changing the External OCS ABS/Web Conferencing URL

It is not uncommon that I am asked "How do I change the external URL for conferencing within OCS?" There are multiple reasons for a user needing/wanting to change the URL, most often it being either they skipped the entry during setup (it does say <optional>) or the have decided to change the name. Whatever the reason is, the actual update is simple.

The update it self is updating the SQL or MSDE database with the new information. While it is possible to manually 'hack' the database and edit the tables directly, the UC team has made the process much easier using LCSCMD. LCSCMD is a command line application that may be found on the OCS server CD under setup or on your C drive of an OCS server located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.

To execute the command, simply type:

Lcscmd /web /action:updatepoolurls / /poolname:poolname

The is the DNS name that is resolvable from the outside and is your 'reverse proxy' role as defined in the documentation. the poolname is only the short name of the pool. For SE this would be your server name ( would be server) and for EE it is the common pool name ( would be pool01).

Eliminating the Outlook 2007 Security Warning w/o Using a UCC Certificate

This tip was sent to me from a good friend and business associate, John Lockett.

This procedure gets rid of the security warning in Outlook 2007, in cases where you apply a standard SSL certificate to the default web site, and the FQDN is different from the AD FQDN of the exchange server. First run the following commands in the Exchange Management Shell on

your Exchange 2007 CAS so that we would have a backup listing of the current settings:


Get-Clientaccessserver | fl > backupCAS.txt

Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl > backupWeb.txt


Now change the settings to remove the warning.


Set-Clientaccessserver -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri https://public FQDN, as appears in the certificate>/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml

set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory "\EWS (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl https://public FQDN, as appears in the certificate>/EWS/Exchange.asmx


Wait a few minutes for implementation to complete.