Automating Lync 2010 Backups

The backup procedure for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 can be a little daunting as the process is extremely manual. When working with clients I typically deploy a scheduled task on a front-end server to help automate where possible. Backups of SQL (either with a SQL aware backup program or locally to disk) and of the Lync Share are still required as well but at least this covers the rest of the items.

The script is simple but two part – it starts in the command prompt and then calls out PowerShell modules and a PowerShell script to wrap things up. Some manual purging of previous backups is done first and then the current backups are performed (where necessary). The example uses the following variables:

  • Scripts are located in D:\Scripts
  • Backups are dumped to D:\Backups
  • Create Subfolders under Backups - Config, DBIMPEXP, LIS, RGS
  • Lync 2010 Resource Kit is local and installed to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\ResKit


del D:\Backups\Config\config.xml
del D:\Backups\LIS\lis.xml
del D:\Backups\RGS\

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Support\DBImpExp.exe" /hrxmlfile:D:\Backups\DBIMPEXP\Backup.xml /sqlserver:YOUR_SQL_SERVER_FQDN_and_INSTANCE

C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command "cd $env:UserProfile; Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Modules\Lync\Lync.psd1'; Import-Module 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\ResKit\RgsImportExport.ps1'; D:\Scripts\lync_backup.ps1



Export-CsConfiguration -FileName D:\Backups\Config\config.xml;
Export-CsLisConfiguration -FileName D:\Backups\LIS\lis.xml;
Export-CsRgsConfiguration ApplicationServer:YOUR_POOL_SERVER_FQDN –FileName D:\Backups\RGS\;

To automate the tasks create a Scheduled Task on a Lync Front-End server and schedule the task with a service account that has full NTFS permissions to the D:\Backups folder (and subfolders/files), is a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group, and has Log on as a batch job rights.

Create Scheduled Task

  1. Launch from the Administrative Tools Task Scheduler
  2. Click the Task Scheduler Library and right-click to Create a Basic TaskName the task – Lync Backups (as an example)
  3. Create a schedule – this needs to mimic your local backup jobs so that the daily/weekly/etc. backups gather the backups you create (in the example we used Daily at midnight
  4. Select to Start a program and select the CMD file created above
  5. Finish the task creation and then double-click the task to edit it further
  6. Modify the Security
  7. Set to run whether user is logged in or not
  8. Set the user execution task to the Lync Service account created above
  9. Save the task entering the password when prompted and you are done

Testing of the task may be completed by right-clicking on the task and selecting Run. Don’t forget to backup the D:\Backups directory as well as the SQL databases and Lync share to gather all Lync info.

Additional References

Mobility for Lync

Native Microsoft Mobility for Lync 2010 Is Here!

The mobility features of Lync have been sorely missed since Lync 2010 was release last November but Microsoft has made HUGE strides in their recent release. There are a few pre-requisites which we will cover as well as some gotchas to look out for. As of today the Windows Phone client (Mango required) is available in the Marketplace but the Apple iOS and Android clients have yet to appear. There should also be a Nokia client but I do not have a method to test so unfortunately I have nothing to report there.

Server Requirements

Before mobility can be configured the current Lync environment requires CU4 to already be installed. If this has not been done, first things first. There are also a few configuration requirements that must be met which while it didn't matter without mobility, now it does. Those include:

  • The Front-end pool internal web FQDN must be different from the external (even if you are using split-DNS)
  • HLBs may need to be updated changing their persistence to cookie-based and certificates installed to support SNAT
  • IIS Dynamic Content Compression is needed on the Directors and Front-End servers in order to install the mobility BITS

Once that is complete there is a mobility download that must be grabbed and server-based PowerShell commands that are run on a Front-End Server in the environment. The configuration includes updating DNS, requesting and installing new certificates, configuring ports etc. so let's begin.

Mobility Configuration


The first task completed when configuring mobility is running two PowerShell commands to configure the ports mobility will use inside and outside. Setting the ports will also 'inform; the bootstrapper process that mobility should be installed and configured. To set your ports simply launch Lync Server Management Shell (LSMS) and type:

Set-CsWebServer –Identity –McxSipPrimaryListeningPort 5086
Set-CsWebServer –Identity –McxSipExternalListeningPort 5087

You can see the internal listening port has been set at 5086 with the external ports set to 5087. The enable command sets the changes into the topology and the Lync environment is now aware that mobility should be there. The above two Set-CsWebServer commands with the MCX values will only work if CU4 is installed.


If the IID Dynamic Content Compression was not already added (listed as a pre-requisite above) now is the time to complete the process as without it setup will fail. If your base operating system for your Lync Front-End/Director server is Windows Server 2008, use the following command:

[from a command prompt] ServerManagerCMD.exe –Install Web-Dyn-Compression

If the base operating system for your Lync Front-End/Director server is Windows Server 2008 R2, use the following command:

[from PowerShell] Import-Module ServerManager; Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server, Web-Dyn-Compression


New DNS names have been established for the AutoDiscover process (think Exchange AutoDiscover). The new feature removes the need for you to configure the explicit server settings on the mobile clients (very nice). There are up to three different records that must be created, two of which are on the inside DNS. Two of the three records are CNAME DNS records while the third (required if split-DNS) is an 'A" record.

Internal DNS create CNAME record lyncdiscoverinternal and point it to the internal web services 'A' record
External DNS create CNSME record lyncdiscover and point it to the external web services 'A' record
Internal DNS (if using split-DNS) create 'A' record for your external web services name and configure it to the external IP


The installation of the BITS is completed by downloading the new MSI, placing it in the expected folders, and running bootstrapper.

To begin, download the MSI at Microsoft's download center here. Save the MSI locally to each Front-End and Director server in the path C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Lync Server\Deployment\cache\4.0.7577.0\setup. This is the location of the cached Lync 2010 installers. Once the MSI is in the correct path, launch LSMS and run C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Deployment\Bootstrapper.exe (NOTE: the path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\ may be different in your deployment based off of where Lync was installed)

Bootstrapper will detect the configuration/setting of the mobility ports and install the mobility BITS on the required servers.

Assuming push notifications are desired on the iOS and Windows Phone platforms, enter the following after the installation is complete (from LSMS):

Set-CsPushNotificationConfiguration -EnableApplePushNotificationService $true -EnableMicrosoftPushNotificationService $true
New-CsHostingProvider –Identity "LyncOnline" –Enabled $True –ProxyFqdn "" –VerificationLevel UseSourceVerification
New-CsAllowedDomain –Identity ""


Because there are new names internally and externally new SANs are required on both the internal and external certificates. The simplest way to request a new certificate is using the Lync Deployment application on a Front-End server (one per pool). The server has the ability to create both the internal and external certificates using the GUI. If you are in a multi-server pool I recommend having three separate certificates on the pool - one unique to each Front-End and the other two used on each Front-End (same certificate).

If you already have the Server Default certificate unique to the Front-End server (it will have the pool name, server name, and most likely 'sip'), then the next step is running the wizard again and ONLY selecting Web Services Internal. Running the wizard will include all known names for all supported SIP domains - this includes the internal web services FQDN as the CN and meet, dialin, lyncdiscoverinternal, and your lyncadmin name as SANs. If you use an external certificate provider, that certificate request can be sent off for processing.

Next launch the certificate wizard again this time making sure only Web Services External is selected, offline certificate is selected, and mark as exportable is checked. The results for the external certificate request will be a certificate with the external web services FQDN as the CN and meet, dialin, and lyncdiscover as SANs. Once the certificate has been processed externally you have two options. If you are using a Reverse Proxy where the certificate is required or a HLB, export the certificate from the server and import into the appropriate location. Assuming you are using an internal CA, you would then have the option to re-request an internal certificate for the external web services role. If you are NAT'ing directly to a single server (no HLB but a single point of failure) then you may leave the certificate as is.


Once the configuration is complete, reboot the various servers and validate that there are no unexpected errors in the Lync logs in the Event Viewer. Once the servers are back online, assuming all is well launch LSMS and run the following command (replacing your two test users with appropriate names and accounts):

Test-CsMcxP2PIM -TargetFqdn -SenderSipAddress -SenderCredential "domain\user1" -ReceiverSipAddress -ReceiverCredential "domain\user2"

The result of the test should look like:

TargetUri  :
TargetFqdn :
Result     : Success
Latency    : 00:00:00
Error      :
Diagnosis  :


Lync Mobility Installation Guide from Microsoft
Lync Server 2010 Mobility Service MSI Download
Dave Howe's HLB Config Guide for Lync 2010